What To Consider When Buying Mushroom Supplements

Nonkululeko Mabunda
4 min readFeb 9, 2023
Photo by Emma-Jane Hobden on Unsplash

When scouring various online stores, you’ll find hundreds of mushroom supplements.

This can leave you feeling overwhelmed.

For one, you’re aware these fungi are a powerhouse, yet you don’t know if they’re safe and can actually provide the much-desired benefits.

While it might seem obvious and safe to say a mushroom is just a mushroom, it’s not always the case.

There’s more to it than meets the eye.

Understanding how they’re grown, the beneficial parts used and their extraction techniques place the power in your hands. You’ll be in a better position to weed out unethical, low-quality products and choose those best suited to support your overall well-being.

So, how do you know the brand you’re eyeing is the right one for you?

Join me as I break down 4 vital elements to consider when buying mushroom supplements to make an informed decision geared toward enhancing your health.

What To Consider When Buying Mushroom Supplements

1. Part of Mushroom Used

Mushrooms contain two vital components: mycelium and the fruiting body.

Mycelium comprises the root structure of the mushroom. You can think of them as branches that support the structure and growth of the fruit.

The fruiting body is the actual mushroom itself. Most supplements contain one or both of these parts.

Mycelium is often grown in grain. It’s the initial step of producing the fruit and is often referred to as grain spawn. On its own, mycelium is only just grain — rice, rye, or oats, with little to no active compounds of said mushroom.

Because beneficial compounds are often found in the fruiting body, when buying supplements, it’s best to keep an eye out for products that mention full spectrum. These contain both the fruiting body and mycelium.

2. Extraction Technique

Some supplements will contain myceliated grain. Put simply, this means the mycelium has been grown on sterilized grain.

What does this mean for you as a consumer?

You’re less likely to get pure mycelium. The product still contains much of the rice, oats, or whatever grain it was cultivated on. Some manufacturers will take the whole mushroom, dehydrate it and grind it into powder.

Digesting fruit mushrooms puts strain on your digestive system. Mushrooms contain a tough, impenetrable compound, chitin. Your gut bacteria aren’t fully equipped to break down these compounds, making it difficult for your digestive enzymes to break down.

This is not to say the fruiting bodies aren’t beneficial. Research has found that adding powdered fruiting body, like reishi, can enhance your immune system. The downside is you’d have to take higher doses to reap the benefits.

Because mushrooms contain water and alcohol-soluble compounds, the mushroom in question should be dried, ground, and simmered in large vats to extract these compounds.

When trying to decipher the extraction technique, look out for teams like dual extraction. The extraction methods are performed sequentially or simultaneously in a solution of both alcohol and water. This means the active compounds are available to you, so you can harness their benefits.

3. Percentage or level of active compounds

Reading labels is always wise. You’ll be able to gauge the level of active compounds and assess whether they’ll provide the benefits you’re after. Hover over the ingredient section and determine whether the supplements consist of common composites like beta-glucans, triterpene, and sterols.

If the brand mentions flow aid, you’re on the safe side. It means the manufacturer used extra substances to ease the extraction process. This method mostly applies to encapsulated brands.

4. Certified Organic

To meet the demand for medicinal mushrooms, some species might be grown on synthetic logs. Some of these growing conditions don’t prime the mushrooms for optimum growth and resilience.

The mushrooms are not exposed to natural elements like the sun and rain, rather they are cultivated in controlled environments. A safe bet is to look out for supplements cultivated from birch trees or the like.

They don’t often contain harmful chemicals like pesticides that might have detrimental effects on your health. Buy products that mention organic or wild harvesting to ensure you’re not contradicting your intended wellness goals.


Buying mushroom supplements shouldn’t be a hassle.

But because unscrupulous brands are making their way on the market, it can be hard to decipher which brands are geared toward supporting your well-being.

Some supplements contain only one of the active parts, like the fruiting body, making it difficult for your body to digest and absorb the active compounds. Others don’t properly extract the beneficial compounds. Some manufacturers either perform a single extraction technique, leaving behind other beneficial components.

Being mindful and reading the labels of mushroom supplements means you’re actively playing a role in enhancing your health because you can buy products aligned with your wellness goals.



Nonkululeko Mabunda

Freelance writer, certified wellness coach, and avid gardener. I share actionable wellness and small-space gardening tips. Let's connect 📨nkuliwrites@gmail.com